
Working papers

Atari, M., Henrich, J., and Schulz, J., (2024). Expanding the Remit of Psychology across Time and Space. PsyArXiv preprint. Link.

Chen, Y., Li, S., Li, Y., & Atari, M. (2024). Surveying the Dead Minds: Historical-Psychological Text Analysis with Contextualized Construct Representation (CCR) for Classical Chinese. arXiv preprint. Link.

Bahrami-Rad, D. Beauchamp, J. Henrich, J. Schulz, J. (February 16, 2024). Kin-based institutions and economic development. Preprint available at SSRN. Link.

Published papers

Atari, M., & Henrich, J. (2023). Historical psychology. Current Directions in Psychological Science. 0(0), 1-8. Link.

Schulz, J. (2022). Kinship networks and institutional development. The Economic Journal, 132(647), 2578–2613. Link.

Muthukrishna, M., Henrich, J., Slingerland, E. (2021). Psychology as a historical science. Annual Review of Psychology, 72, 717-749. Link.

Schulz, J., Bahrami-Rad, D., Beauchamp, J., Henrich, J. (2019). The church, intensive kinship, and global psychological variation. Science, 366, eaau5141. Link.