Dr. Mohammad Atari was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University, where he worked on the Historical Psychology Project with Drs. Joseph Henrich and Jonathan Schulz. He is currently an Assistant Professor and the PI of the Culture and Morality Lab (CAM-L) at UMass Amherst, where the focus is on understanding the impact of culture on moral values and norms through various approaches, including computational methods, laboratory experiments, and field studies. His current research is organized into three interconnected themes. The first explores cultural differences in psychological factors over time (historical psychology) and across different geographical regions (cross-cultural psychology), delving into the mechanisms behind these variations. The second theme adopts a pluralistic approach to human morality (and metamorality), examining how various moral values can either foster ultra-cooperative societies or contribute to divisive attitudes that lead to conflict and animosity. Lastly, his third stream of research advances theory-driven text analysis and uses applications of cutting-edge computational tools, especially in Natural Language Processing (NLP), to address social psychological questions.